Saudi Arabia: an emerging business center

Expansion to Saudi Arabia: An emerging business center

Expansion to Saudi Arabia: An emerging business center

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has emerged as a compelling destination for businesses seeking new opportunities and growth. With ambitious economic reforms, strategic initiatives, and a dynamic business landscape, the Kingdom is poised to become the next global business center. Saudi Arabia’s hype and the fact it is attracting increasing attention from businesses around the world is not based on luck.

Saudi Arabia’s non-oil sector contributed 50% of GDP for the first time last year. With the country’s unprecedented economic transformation well underway, the horizon for Saudi Arabia is bright with the promise of continued growth.

  1. Vision 2030: At the heart of Saudi Arabia’s transformation is Vision 2030, launched in 2016, a bold and ambitious blueprint for diversifying the economy, reducing dependency on oil, and fostering sustainable growth across various sectors. Through Vision 2030, the Kingdom has managed to create a vibrant and competitive business environment that attracts investment, stimulates innovation, and drives economic prosperity as well as promoting a sustainable community.
  1. Strategic Location: Situated at the crossroads of three continents, Saudi Arabia enjoys a strategic geographic location that positions it as a gateway to lucrative markets in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. With modern infrastructure, world-class transportation networks, and state-of-the-art logistics facilities, the Kingdom offers unparalleled access to global trade routes and investment opportunities.
  1. Economic Diversification: In line with Vision 2030 objectives, Saudi Arabia is actively diversifying its economy by investing in non-oil sectors, for instance tourism, entertainment, technology, healthcare, renewable energy, and manufacturing. These strategic investments are creating new business opportunities, fostering innovation, and driving sustainable growth across diverse industries.
  1. Business-Friendly Reforms: The Saudi government has implemented several business-friendly reforms to streamline regulations, enhance the ease of doing business, and attract foreign investment. As a result, these reforms include initiatives to simplify company registration procedures, improve intellectual property protection, and enhance transparency and accountability in the business environment.
  1. Investment Incentives: Saudi Arabia offers a range of incentives and support mechanisms to attract foreign investment, including tax incentives, financial incentives, and access to government grants and subsidies. Additionally, the Kingdom has established special economic zones and investment hubs to encourage investment in strategic sectors and regions.
  1. Thriving Business Ecosystem: Saudi Arabia boasts a thriving business ecosystem characterized by a skilled workforce, vibrant entrepreneurship culture, and robust support infrastructure. From incubators and accelerators to venture capital funds and innovation centers, the Kingdom offers a conducive environment for startups, SMEs, and multinational corporations alike to thrive and grow.

Saudi Arabia’s strategic vision, geographic location, economic diversification efforts, business-friendly reforms, investment incentives, and thriving business ecosystem position it as the next business center on the global stage. As businesses increasingly recognize the Kingdom’s potential, demand for expansion to Saudi Arabia is increasing dramatically as the country is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of regional and international trade, investment, and innovation.

Application deadline extended: 2013 Cyprus banks' haircut

Application deadline extended: Partial compensation of the 2013 haircut on Cyprus banks’ deposits

Application deadline extended: Partial compensation of the 2013 haircut on Cyprus banks’ deposits

In its announcement on 14/05/2024, the Cyprus Ministry of Finance informs of the reopening of the electronic service for submitting applications by affected natural and legal persons regarding their participation in the Replenishment Scheme of the National Solidarity Fund. Applications are accepted via the Ministry’s online service from 14 May 2024 until 25 May 2024.

It is pointed out that the affected Natural and Legal Persons should have the characteristics of a “private client” and their deposits and securities have been reduced during 2013 due to the implementation of consolidation measures in the two systemic Banks (Bank of Cyprus and Laiki Bank).

Please note that access to the electronic service for submitting an electronic Application for participation is made through the CY Login Profile as follows:
• For Natural Persons with a Cypriot identity card or residence permit in Cyprus (ARC) as well as Legal Persons with a registration number in Cyprus –> Registration and identification on the CY Login Government Portal (formerly Ariadne) is required.

• For Natural Persons who do not have a Cypriot identity card and are not residents of Cyprus as well as Legal Persons who do not have a registration number in Cyprus –> They are required to be registered on the Government Portal CY Login, and they will be identified when submitting their Application through the provision of certain additional items and documents.

Participation in the Replenishment Scheme of the National Solidarity Fund is done only via the submission of an electronic application and applicants are invited to submit their application no later than 25 May 2024, as the Ministry notes that it will not be possible to submit electronic applications after that date.

Our team is at your disposal for any support and guidance you might need regarding the Replenishment Scheme applications. Contact us here.